Well I completed my first 5K walk today. It was the Run for Rocky along the riverfront and although the weather was cold and wet we had a great time! I say we because I walked with friends as well as my two younger children.
I was apprehensive to bring my 3 and 5 year old with me. I did not know how they would do behaviour wise. I also did not know if they would sit the whole time. Well sometime in life we find inspiration in the strangest of places. Today it came from my 5 year old daughter.
My 3 year old stayed in the stroller the whole time because she was very tired. My 5 year old daughter, however, decided to walk when we reached the half way point. Well I figured that she would walk for 5 minutes or so before she got bored or tired and settled back into the double stroller for the remainder of the walk back. To my surprise, the second time I asked if she wanted back in, my daughter said with complete enthusiasm and determination, "No way Mama....we can't give up....we have to keep going!!"
Indeed she crossed the finish line on her feet and was cheered on by some of those who had already completed the 5K! What an inspiration she was when I was wet, and my feet were getting sore! "Don't give up Mama!" is what she turned about a few times just out of the blue and said to me! I had no idea what a great coach she would be! It did not matter that my time was slower pushing the stroller; WE completed the 5K together.....encouraging each other along the way. It felt wonderful to have my own cheerleader with me!
My next 5K (whenever it is before the Detroit Marathon 5K this fall) I may do by myself to see how much faster I can go without the stroller and stopping along the way to help my children (snacks, mittens, and drinks were gotten as well as blankets picked up off the ground). But it won't be the same without my cheerleader. I have a feeling that she won't even ALLOW me to go without her!
I learnt a very valuable lesson today. Inspiration and motivation can be found when you least expect it....IF you have your eyes open to see it and your mind and heart open to accepting it! Instead of my girls slowing me down today I found inspiration and motivation to do better and not give up!
Years from now I look forward to letting my 5 year old read this post and telling her how much her enthusiasm encouraged me during my first 5K. I am sure it won't be long before they are both walking or running along side me at charity walk/runs!
Where is the most surprising place you found inspiration?
From you! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd from trying on all the clothes that I love and fit at one time (and are starting to fit again)!
This week I tried on 2 pairs of knee-high boots that I could squeeze my calves into -- 1 pair fits and the other pair almost fits (apparently one calf is bigger than the other*l*). It motivates me to keep going.
I am SO PROUD OF YOU! I know what a brutal journey it can be (because, as you well know, this is my 2nd time doing it) and I think you will look back to what you've written here and be ever more proud of yourself.
Now I just have to figure out how to quit chocolate.....
ReplyDeleteTry just giving it up for one day.....I found a substitute (licorice)to help me get over the craving....adn then after a while I lost the interest in that candy too. I still will buy a bag of, say, Sweedish Berries if I am craving something.....but it is still better than chocolate!! Remember...eatting chocolate is PREVENTING you from reaching your GOAL!! Are you really going to let it have that much control over you?? I know ultimately you won't let it win! You CAN DO THIS!!!!
Fantastic, Sheri. You are back!