Sunday, 20 October 2013

No shortcuts

Forty Something and Getting Healthy

Saturday, 19 October 2013

There Is No Fast Fix to a Healthy Lifestyle

We have grown up thinking that there is a quick fix to weight loss. THAT....IS......A.....LIE! I hate to break it to you but I think that if you are reading my blog you are already at the point of knowing this truth and taking the slow, steady, healthy pace towards your healthier lifestyle. There is also no fast fixes when it comes to building a strong, healthy body either.
With every workout.....with every food choice we make.......with every sacrifice of unhealthy treats.....we are EARNING our new healthy body and mind!
My Dad use to say that, "Anything worth having is worth fighting for." This is never truer than in the realm of becoming and staying healthy. We have to remember to have realistic expectations and goals for ourselves. It did not take me 1 year to put on over 125 pounds of fat on my body. It certainly won't only be a year to take it back off; that is not realistic! Research shows that the slower you make changes the more willing your body is to that change. This is why diets DON'T WORK!!!!
Just make one change at a time; maybe that is cutting out white sugar, or white bread, or adding one more 45 minute walk to your weekly schedule. Whatever it is make that change and be consistent for 30 days. It takes 28 days for something to become a habit. So give yourself the time, love, and patience to make these lifestyle changes slowly and over time. You will find yourself more accepting of change and much more successful than in you repeat the "all-or-nothing" approach to dieting and exercise.
And, don't forget.......ENJOY your journey along the way!
Yours in health,

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Weekend Warriors

Are you a Weekend Warrior? That is what my gym calls those who come into the gym during the weekend. I have not make a habit of going to the gym on either Saturday or Sunday; those days are for family. This weekend, however, I am going to be a weekend warrior and I am taking my two little Chicklets with me!

Sunday is the CIBC "Run for the Cure" 5K walk/run. I am honoured to be walking on a friend's team who happens to be a wonderful person, dedicated teacher, and amazing survivor. As 25+ people on her team (named "Save Second Base") gather to walk to help find a cure, I realise that for the second time since making changes in my lifestyle, I am setting an example for my younger girls. They are sooo excited to participate in this event! Last time my 5 year old walked half way; 2.5K!! I was so proud of her and she was such a great cheerleader. "Come on Mama....We can't stop now!" was just one of the chants she said as we walked back in the cold, rain. I can't wait to experience this second 5K with my children this weekend. My 5 year old wants to try to walk the whole way; how proud am I!?!? I will be sure to follow up with a post after we are back home Sunday. But I wanted to share our weekend plans with you as a way to challenge you;

What are you doing to be active this weekend? Are you involving loved-ones? Are you doing something within your community?

I really urge you to consider participating in a 5K walk/run. You don't have to run at all. It is a great way to spend time with friends and family while helping a great cause in your community; and it is a great workout too!

Happy weekend everyone!

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Why Did I EVER Stop Going!?

Well, I went back to the gym tonight for the first time in weeks. I have to admit I am  now sitting here wondering, "Why did I EVER stop going!?"

I think the hardest part of making healthy lifestyle changes isn't that first surge of motivation when you are pumped up and ready to attack all the negatives at once; it is months later when you are tired, weighed down with responsibilities of work, family, and everything else life throws at you, and those old habits begin to sneak back into your routine. THAT is when motivation and determination is KEY in continuing successes in your journey to living a healthier lifestyle.

I have been so lucky to have so many sources of support and motivation but ultimately it is up to me to listen to that encouragement. Tonight I listened to all of the support that is around me and I listened to my inner voice and finally said, "Enough, I am not going to put my health on the back-burner one more day!" and as soon as the my little ones were in bed, I headed fort he gym.

I loved it! The staff had missed me and welcomed me back and asked what my goals were tonight. My sister-in-law joined me and I felt great! I did not go overboard, but worked hard and came home energised. And now, the next time I don't feel like going I will be able to re-read this post and get that feeling back again.

 I hope, by sharing this tonight I can encourage someone else who knows they should be making that step to get back into the routine they had going, to take that first step again. Just once....give it a try. Maybe you will feel the same way that I am right now writing this post. Maybe you won't; that is OK. Try something else until you find something that makes you feel energised! IF it is not fun, you won't stick with it. Trust me, I know from experience. I am also taking a modern dance class this year; and love it!

Thank you for bearing with me this evening as I try to get out my sense of empowerment that I am feeling; I wish this for feel this kind of "high" after a good workout. I am always looking for new and exciting ideas for staying physically active so please share your exercise routines with me.

Yours in Health,


Wednesday, 2 October 2013

When Small Steps Turn into BIG Steps

           "If you have taken the first step, you are already half way there." 

Have you ever heard the expression? I don't know who ever started this saying but I'll bet they were talking about changing their lifestyle to be a healthier one! This is hard work! It is easy for everyone, including ourselves, to point out the "don't" and "shouldn't", the "never" and "can't" in our diet and lifestyle. Why is it that everyone points out the negative?! Well I am here to that there is always more positive than negative in any situation; sometimes we just have to search hard to find the positives when the negatives are right there "in our face" so to speak.

A friend shared this on their Facebook page just the other day. Sometimes, just when we need it the most, we come across a picture or a saying that feels like it was put there just for us. On this day, I needed to be reminded what small step originally started me on this journey to a healthier lifestyle. Today I decided it was time to share this one small step with you.

We need to go back to a cold February day in 2012. I was waiting for my medications to be filled at my local Costco pharmacy and I saw this book on the counter. I read the title, "The Vice Busting Diet" by Julia Havey and immediately thought, "Man, have I got vices for YOU to bust!!!!" When the pharmacist came with my scripts I jokingly said to him, "Is this book free!?! There is no price on it!!" To my utter surprise his reply was, "Yes it is free. Please help yourself to it!" Being one to never pass up most things free and one to usually try anything to help me lose weight I thanked him and added the book to the other stuff in my supply bag. And this is where the book stayed; forgotten, buried, and ignored until the end of June.

As I was sorting through and storing my teaching supplies from that school year I came across this book in the bottom of my bag that I did not even recognize at first. After reading the title a few times I remembered how this book came to be here and thought, "well, why not Sheri, might as well try reading this one, nothing else has worked!"

And that, right there, was the smallest of steps in the right direction that ended up being the biggest step of my life! You see as I taught that school year my negative eating habits had gotten out of control; I was a huge closet eater and would pick junk up to eat each and every day on my way to school and even on my way home sometimes. I weighed the most I had in almost 10 years and knew I had to do something but felt like I had tried everything and always failed. I knew if I did not do something I would end up on my same path that ultimately ended my father's life; type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Yeah, remember those scripts I was getting filled? One was for high blood pressure!

I began to read Julia's book and became immediately hooked. For the first time ever I was reading advice from someone "who had walked the walk and now talked the talk!" This lady had lost over 100 pounds over 15 years ago....she knew what she was talking about from personal experience! By the end of the second or third chapter I had question, and so, after reading her invitation for me, the reader, to contact her I sent her an email. I told her a little bit about me and my story and to my complete surprise she emailed me back and asked me to call her!! Can you believe that!?!

Julia ended up coaching me through my first three months following her program. We would speak once a week on the phone and also had contact on Facebook when needed. She still is there for me over a year later; not as often but if I need her to help I know she is only an email away. She checks in with me and asks how I am doing and I am honest in my response. Sometimes it is a GREAT response and other times I admit that I am struggling. She never fails to offer my both advice and positive motivation. I love her for that; she has never, ever, left me feeling anything but positive.

We all need those positive motivators in our lives, especially while on our never-ending journey to be the healthiest person we can become. Julia always reminds me that even if I have had a bad day, week, or yes, a bad month, it is not really bad; bad would be completely reversing all of the positive changes I have made since July 2012. EVERY step is a step forward, even a step that keeps you in the same place you were yesterday. I have had many days and weeks like that over the past year and a bit. But if I kept track on a calendar (which she actually suggested that I do!) I would see how many more good days I have had than bad days!

I hope, that through this post, and my blog in general, I can help motivate and educate others who are on the same journey as myself.  Maybe you are just beginning your journey; well welcome aboard! If you are further along on your journey, I hope you will share your experiences, insights, and yes your struggles on here with me.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and I look forward to continuing my journey with you!


Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Bugs SMART Rabbit!!

I encourage you to go over and read my blog below. My childhood bunny has sage words of advice for all of us on a journey to self improvement!